3 1/2 - 5 Years
8:1 Ratio
"FUN!" This all-around coordination class focuses on the development
of rhythm-motor skills, muscle coordination,
eye-hand/eye-foot coordination
and body movement and control. Your child is learning that "learning can be FUN"!
Social and emotional growth and fair play are obtained through group participation
and activities. Classes have a different child-oriented theme each week
(Mickey Mouse, Underwater Land, Super Hero Training Camp, Alphabet Week, etc.). Preschoolers use tumbling aids to add
to the excitement of mat work, balance beam, vaulting equipment and bars.
This program incorporates everything from ball work and parachute to hoola hoops and
rhythm instruments. Children can stay in the Pre-Gym Class through Kindergarten or move
to Prepnastics. Prepnastics is "preschool gymnastic class" for 4 and 5 year olds. It does not have the weekly theme. The class of your choice at this age depends on your child's personality.