08-14 Months
(crawlers & beginner walkers)
Parent & Child Class
1:1 Ratio - 10 students per class
This class is for crawlers and beginner walkers. It helps to develop your child's body awareness, vocabulary and coordination. Parents learn
what a "teachable moment" is and how to achieve positive results during these
learning situations. This parent/toddler exploration class offers a new
challenge and level of development for your child in a safe, non-threatening positive
atmosphere. This class uses age-appropriate equipment, including a ball pit,
foam steps, wedges, octagons, trapezoids, a trapeze and more. The curriculum
focuses on developing your child's attention span and listening skills. The First-Step Program is child initiated and transitions into the
more structured Pre-Gym Program. The class that follows Wee-Wigglers is Babynastics.
Babynastics is part of the "First Steps Program" and is for walkers 10-20 months old.